Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Leaves Are Changing...

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These past few days have been absolute bliss, with the change in season and so much beauty surrounding me it truly makes me so thankful to be alive...and to be able to see the sun peeking through burnt orange leaves while a warm wind still blows..what more could you ask for!

I had a little extra time yesterday afternoon so i took Gertie out for a ride and sat amongst the rose bushes and today i semi-nailed a new hairstyle i had been attempting to master (there is still a little tweaking to do) i have been looking through vintage art books to get a little hair inspiration (weird you may think) but the paintings actually depict their hairstyles so beautifully..has been encouraging me to try more elaborate styles!

I also found a frame to fit my Peppermint magazine poster! Has been sitting rolled up for too long, i think its going straight to the study this one!!

Hope your week has been amazing so far Xx

(Wearing: 1950's blue wiggle dress)


  1. Love the blue wiggle dress. It is gorgeous!!

  2. Oh gosh I am loving that hairstyle - tutorial soon I hope?? x

  3. Wonderful dress and a really lovely hairstyle!

  4. You are amazing blogger! Haha its really weird how I just created a blog and it sort of follows your theme x I have another blog but I don't like it so I created a new one! I hope you visit my blog and maybe leave me a comment to read x
